/* Compiled Bupuf front scripts */ /* { "bupuf-google-map-js": { "src": "https:\/\/www.canhaem.org\/wp-content\/plugins\/bupuf-google-map\/js\/bupuf-google-map.js", "ver": "1.1.4", "priority": 10 } } */ /* / bupuf-google-map-js scripts start: / */ function initMap() { var custom_maps = jQuery('.bupuf-google-map'); custom_maps.each(function () { var locations = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).find('.bupuf-geo-json').val()); var map_styles = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).find('.bupuf-map-styles').val()); var map_id = jQuery(this).find('.bupuf-map-render').attr('id'); var element = document.getElementById(map_id); var map = new google.maps.Map(element, { zoom: 10, center: {lat: 53.5444, lng: 113.4909}, styles: map_styles }); // Define the custom marker icons, using the store's "category". var pin_icon = jQuery(this).find('.pin-icon').val(); if (pin_icon) { map.data.setStyle(feature => { return { icon: { url: pin_icon //scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(64, 64) } }; }); } map.data.addGeoJson(locations); var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var apiKey = jQuery(this).find('.map-api-key').val(); // Show the information for a store when its marker is clicked. map.data.addListener('click', event => { let name = event.feature.getProperty('name'); let description = event.feature.getProperty('description'); let hours = event.feature.getProperty('hours'); let phone = event.feature.getProperty('phone'); let position = event.feature.getGeometry().get(); let content = '


'; if (description) content += '


'; if (hours || phone) { content += '

'; if (hours) content += 'Hours:'+hours+'
'; if (phone) content += 'Phone:'+phone; content += '

'; } //content += '

'; content += '
'; infoWindow.setContent(content); infoWindow.setPosition(position); infoWindow.setOptions({pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(0, -30)}); infoWindow.open(map); }); // Set the initial bounds. var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); map.data.forEach(function(feature) { bounds.extend(feature.getGeometry().get()); }); var min_extend = 0.004; // Prevent the zoom from being too close if only one location exists. // Don't zoom in too far on only one marker if (bounds.getNorthEast().equals(bounds.getSouthWest())) { var extendPoint1 = new google.maps.LatLng(bounds.getNorthEast().lat() + min_extend, bounds.getNorthEast().lng() + min_extend); var extendPoint2 = new google.maps.LatLng(bounds.getNorthEast().lat() - min_extend, bounds.getNorthEast().lng() - min_extend); bounds.extend(extendPoint1); bounds.extend(extendPoint2); } map.fitBounds(bounds); }); }